Friday, December 27, 2013

Christmas is Done

Well once again I've managed to leave the blog unattended longer than I'd hoped. But, I'm back for the next bit. Lately, I've just been trying to get through school and get prepared for "The Best Experience of My Life: Round Two" and of course, The Christmas Holiday.

School has been going as it always has. It's been really great! I love High School despite all the whining I do. My grades are decent and I usually have time for work and I always try to make time for myself. Band and Choirs finished their concerts last Monday! It was an absolute hit! It was probably one of the best shows the band has put on. We put a lot of work into it and it was very successful. The choirs were excellent as usual! Infinity (my choir) thought it was going to be an absolute train-wreck, even until it was showtime. But, it turned out great! Odyssey always has a fantastic show and they didn't disappoint last Monday.

Christmas was a different scene this year. While most families were getting up early to unwrap presents and have a great home-cooked meal and to relax and watch Christmas movies, our family did something a little different. As usual, Santa came by the Hatfield residence and left presents for everyone. I got lots of candy, Xbox Live Gold Membership, and some clothes. Payton got me some sweatpants and my parents bought me Skull Candy over-the-ear headphones. The usual Christmas festivities, but after this was done we ate the usual cinnamon roll breakfast and we loaded up the car to head out to Sunny Florida. This year, with me making the All Star Band again, we decided to go to our timeshare resort near Orlando. It took three days to make the trip since we drove. Christmas dinner was an all you can eat Chinese Buffet (Yummy!) and we drove on. Today, we made it to our resort and have eaten a mighty meal and are now relaxing for the night.

And we will continue to relax until the All Star Band starts again. I am sooo excited for this event! I may have only gotten myself third part (My audition video wasn't very great) but the experience is incredibly worth every ounce of work I have, and will, put into it. Nothing satisfies me more than meeting new people and playing music. This year, the theme is Rock and I am looking forward to playing it. Last year, when I did this event I loved every second and it made me realize how much Music means to me. This year, I know what to expect but will still learn some valuable lessons along the way, not just on my instrument, but also some lessons in life.

I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas, and I wish you all a Happy New Year!!!!

P.S. Watch for me at the Orange Bowl on January 3rd!!!