Friday, November 29, 2013

If You Aren't Miserable, You Aren't Doing It Right!

There are so many things to be thankful for this weekend and throughout my whole life. I really need to give these things credit, even though it's the day after.

Firstly, I'd like to thank the Guys and Dolls cast even though it's a few weeks late. The show was a complete success and I had a lot of fun. It was stressful at times, fun at times, crazy at times, and amazing all the time. There were nights I'd say "I hate this!" but when it comes show time, I enjoy every second of it. I love the thrill of a performance and look forward to the Spring Play.

Second, I'd like to give thanks to everyone who is supportive of my music. Lately, I have auditioned for playing at the Orange Bowl, AND MADE IT!! I'm super excited for this opportunity. I've auditioned to perform at Carnegie Hall and take a coast-to-coast U.S. tour, I won't know if I made this until February 7th. I've performed at my teacher's church again for a Veteran's Day ceremony and everyone was very appreciative of me for playing. I played Taps, Reveille and the National Anthem. It wasn't a very big crowd but I love it when people ask me to play. Next, I'm playing at a "Double-Nickel Party" in a couple weeks. I don't actually know what goes on at this kind of party but I was asked to play for about 15 minutes. So I decided that I'm going to break out the Haydn Concerto again. Except this time I'm going to play all three movements. Also, my choir teacher asked me to play a trumpet accompaniment for the middle school Christmas concert. They are singing Come Let Us Sing and so I'll be playing for that. Lastly, the High School Christmas Concert is coming up and the music is going really well. I even get a solo in one of the songs, which I am super excited for. Everyone in my life is very supportive of my music, which is my life.

Lastly, I'm thankful for all my friends and family. Whenever I need help, they are there for me. When I need that little bit of encouragement, they are there. Without them, I wouldn't be where I am today. They come and support me in my acting, trumpet playing, singing, youth group activities, and anything else I'm involved in. I greatly appreciate their support.

Thank you everyone for the massive amounts of support you give me. Thank you for all the wonderful things you do that I don't deserve. Thank you all for what you have given me, and what you will give. I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Remember, if you aren't miserable from all the food you should be eating, you aren't doing Thanksgiving right!

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