Saturday, November 9, 2013

Lights, Camera, Action!

I know it's been a while since I last posted but things are finally gonna start slowing down soon. The past few weeks have been absolutely insane. There have been a few football games, (no home games but I like to go and watch) Musical practice, auditions and school in general. They've all found ways to occupy my time.

The football team had a pretty decent season but this week was their last. It was a good game except for the fact it rained the entire time and it was cold. But, we stuck it out and watched the whole game. It ended 6-0 them. unfortunately that meant the end for this year's team but they played well and to the best of their abilities.

Musical Practice has been a little stressful mainly because a few people don't have a lot of their lines memorized. The last few practices have been better and I'm sure we will have a great show next week. I really like this musical, it's A LOT more dancing than I expected but it's not too bad. I love the songs we get to sing. For those that know the musical, I am Benny Southstreet. I hang around Nicely-Nicely Johnson and I am in the song Guys and Dolls so that's really fun. I am looking forward to it being done so I can relax a little bit more but the show will be great!

School is getting insane. I feel like the junior teachers are after us with all their projects and such. I have/had a chemistry project, government project, English essay, Trig is always hard and this all takes place at one time. It's crazy. But those are almost done as well so that will be nice.

I've spent a lot of time on a very special audition. While I've already been accepted to the All-Star Invitational Marching Band I am also auditioning to play with the National Youth Orchestra of the United States of America. For this audition I have to pick a solo under three minutes, (I chose the Haydn Concerto Mvmt. 2) play four orchestral excerpts that they provide, (Petrouchka (Ballerina's Dance), Mahler symphony No. 5, Pini Di Roma offstage solo and Pictures at an Exhibition), answer a question on camera, (I chose best musical experience and talked about the All-Star Band) and to write a short biological essay about what I want to do and how this experience will get me there. If I make it, I will get to perform AT CARNEGIE HALL and take a coast-to-coast U.S. tour with the orchestra and I don't have to pay for anything but the travel to and from New York.

I'm super excited for all of these things but I am always thankful for the support of my friends, family and the community. You all are the reason I am here doing all of these amazing things. I don't say it enough, but Thank You.

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