Wednesday, December 10, 2014


I-O! That's what you do when you are "O-H"'d by someone. Anyway, I know it's been a while so here's what's happened since my last post. The musical was a HUGE success. Everyone did very well, I even managed to squeak through my songs with a messed up voice. It wasn't the prettiest thing but I got through it. I absolutely loved working with the entire cast, but there a few people who went above and beyond and I can thank them enough (You know who you are). Shortly after that, I turned 18. I am now a legal adult, which is a very weird thought considering I am one of the most childish people I know. What else? Oh ya, I was indeed accepted to Ohio State University! I was accepted to the college but I still have to audition to the School of Music. Which is actually what I'm waiting to do right now. I just got registered and am waiting for the welcome. I am excited, nervous, anxious, stoked and just about every other emotion at the same time. This is my chance to show them what I can do! I want to thank everyone for the prayers and good vibes you have been sending my way. This is pretty nerve-wracking for me, but with all this good vibe coming, I can't help but feel confident in myself. Thanks everyone!! 

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