Saturday, November 15, 2014

Thoughts by the Audition Room

Well, I'm back for another post. Today, I'm sitting by my District Honor Band audition (Im)patiently waiting my turn. Im not worried about the audition but I hate waiting so I'm filling the time with another blog post. Opening Night for the musical was yesterday. It was a good show. Except for the fact my voice decided to crap out JUST in time for the show. It really sucks when you have to sing fairly high and you can't hit the notes. So I improvised some harmony on some lower notes, but I was able to still sing fairly well in my falsetto. So there's that. I'm still proud of how the show went and I imagine that tonight's show and tomorrow's show will be just as great. So. There's the update on that. Oh, College. I've been accepted to a few schools. Still haven't auditioned at Ohio State yet so that's on hold. But both KU and K-State have accepted me. I've also been accepted by Northwest Missouri State and Simpson College in Iowa. So I've got a few options in case my initial plan doesn't work out. Well, my audition is coming up soon so I'll leave you with that for now. Until next time, stay golden. 

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