Wednesday, December 10, 2014


I-O! That's what you do when you are "O-H"'d by someone. Anyway, I know it's been a while so here's what's happened since my last post. The musical was a HUGE success. Everyone did very well, I even managed to squeak through my songs with a messed up voice. It wasn't the prettiest thing but I got through it. I absolutely loved working with the entire cast, but there a few people who went above and beyond and I can thank them enough (You know who you are). Shortly after that, I turned 18. I am now a legal adult, which is a very weird thought considering I am one of the most childish people I know. What else? Oh ya, I was indeed accepted to Ohio State University! I was accepted to the college but I still have to audition to the School of Music. Which is actually what I'm waiting to do right now. I just got registered and am waiting for the welcome. I am excited, nervous, anxious, stoked and just about every other emotion at the same time. This is my chance to show them what I can do! I want to thank everyone for the prayers and good vibes you have been sending my way. This is pretty nerve-wracking for me, but with all this good vibe coming, I can't help but feel confident in myself. Thanks everyone!! 

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Thoughts by the Audition Room

Well, I'm back for another post. Today, I'm sitting by my District Honor Band audition (Im)patiently waiting my turn. Im not worried about the audition but I hate waiting so I'm filling the time with another blog post. Opening Night for the musical was yesterday. It was a good show. Except for the fact my voice decided to crap out JUST in time for the show. It really sucks when you have to sing fairly high and you can't hit the notes. So I improvised some harmony on some lower notes, but I was able to still sing fairly well in my falsetto. So there's that. I'm still proud of how the show went and I imagine that tonight's show and tomorrow's show will be just as great. So. There's the update on that. Oh, College. I've been accepted to a few schools. Still haven't auditioned at Ohio State yet so that's on hold. But both KU and K-State have accepted me. I've also been accepted by Northwest Missouri State and Simpson College in Iowa. So I've got a few options in case my initial plan doesn't work out. Well, my audition is coming up soon so I'll leave you with that for now. Until next time, stay golden. 

Friday, October 10, 2014

We're off to see Brutus

Hello internet, it's good to be back again. Things have been good and I am excited for this coming week. Monday and Tuesday, I have play practice and so far, it's been pretty good. Lines are getting there, slowly but surely, and the music is coming along really well. I'm really excited for this production and I'm more excited to perform it whenever it comes time. Wednesday, our band has a marching competition in Baker and it is going to be amazing. I'm sure we will get an amazing score. Thursday, my dad and I will be heading to Ohio State University for a practice audition to see what I need to work on. I'm really looking forward to going and getting an idea on what kind techniques I need to work on. More on the story as it develops!

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Back on the Road Again.... The Road of Blogging that is

Hello all, sorry for abandoning my blog like that. I got super busy and actually forgot I had a blog until I was reading some other people's blogs. I've been fairly busy prepping for auditions and working on scholarships, musical practice, etc. I am super excited for the years' musical. This year, we will be performing The Wizard of Oz and I am the Tinman! I couldn't be more excited! The part is perfect for my voice range and I get to be super goofy, which is my specialty. We just started practice so there's not much to say right now. I am currently working on auditions for Ohio State and it's really coming along. I hope to come back to the blog and update you all on these things as they progress. I hope it becomes a small source of entertainment and joy to read my blog. Thanks to all who read this and I won't abandon it again. 

Friday, December 27, 2013

Christmas is Done

Well once again I've managed to leave the blog unattended longer than I'd hoped. But, I'm back for the next bit. Lately, I've just been trying to get through school and get prepared for "The Best Experience of My Life: Round Two" and of course, The Christmas Holiday.

School has been going as it always has. It's been really great! I love High School despite all the whining I do. My grades are decent and I usually have time for work and I always try to make time for myself. Band and Choirs finished their concerts last Monday! It was an absolute hit! It was probably one of the best shows the band has put on. We put a lot of work into it and it was very successful. The choirs were excellent as usual! Infinity (my choir) thought it was going to be an absolute train-wreck, even until it was showtime. But, it turned out great! Odyssey always has a fantastic show and they didn't disappoint last Monday.

Christmas was a different scene this year. While most families were getting up early to unwrap presents and have a great home-cooked meal and to relax and watch Christmas movies, our family did something a little different. As usual, Santa came by the Hatfield residence and left presents for everyone. I got lots of candy, Xbox Live Gold Membership, and some clothes. Payton got me some sweatpants and my parents bought me Skull Candy over-the-ear headphones. The usual Christmas festivities, but after this was done we ate the usual cinnamon roll breakfast and we loaded up the car to head out to Sunny Florida. This year, with me making the All Star Band again, we decided to go to our timeshare resort near Orlando. It took three days to make the trip since we drove. Christmas dinner was an all you can eat Chinese Buffet (Yummy!) and we drove on. Today, we made it to our resort and have eaten a mighty meal and are now relaxing for the night.

And we will continue to relax until the All Star Band starts again. I am sooo excited for this event! I may have only gotten myself third part (My audition video wasn't very great) but the experience is incredibly worth every ounce of work I have, and will, put into it. Nothing satisfies me more than meeting new people and playing music. This year, the theme is Rock and I am looking forward to playing it. Last year, when I did this event I loved every second and it made me realize how much Music means to me. This year, I know what to expect but will still learn some valuable lessons along the way, not just on my instrument, but also some lessons in life.

I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas, and I wish you all a Happy New Year!!!!

P.S. Watch for me at the Orange Bowl on January 3rd!!!

Friday, November 29, 2013

If You Aren't Miserable, You Aren't Doing It Right!

There are so many things to be thankful for this weekend and throughout my whole life. I really need to give these things credit, even though it's the day after.

Firstly, I'd like to thank the Guys and Dolls cast even though it's a few weeks late. The show was a complete success and I had a lot of fun. It was stressful at times, fun at times, crazy at times, and amazing all the time. There were nights I'd say "I hate this!" but when it comes show time, I enjoy every second of it. I love the thrill of a performance and look forward to the Spring Play.

Second, I'd like to give thanks to everyone who is supportive of my music. Lately, I have auditioned for playing at the Orange Bowl, AND MADE IT!! I'm super excited for this opportunity. I've auditioned to perform at Carnegie Hall and take a coast-to-coast U.S. tour, I won't know if I made this until February 7th. I've performed at my teacher's church again for a Veteran's Day ceremony and everyone was very appreciative of me for playing. I played Taps, Reveille and the National Anthem. It wasn't a very big crowd but I love it when people ask me to play. Next, I'm playing at a "Double-Nickel Party" in a couple weeks. I don't actually know what goes on at this kind of party but I was asked to play for about 15 minutes. So I decided that I'm going to break out the Haydn Concerto again. Except this time I'm going to play all three movements. Also, my choir teacher asked me to play a trumpet accompaniment for the middle school Christmas concert. They are singing Come Let Us Sing and so I'll be playing for that. Lastly, the High School Christmas Concert is coming up and the music is going really well. I even get a solo in one of the songs, which I am super excited for. Everyone in my life is very supportive of my music, which is my life.

Lastly, I'm thankful for all my friends and family. Whenever I need help, they are there for me. When I need that little bit of encouragement, they are there. Without them, I wouldn't be where I am today. They come and support me in my acting, trumpet playing, singing, youth group activities, and anything else I'm involved in. I greatly appreciate their support.

Thank you everyone for the massive amounts of support you give me. Thank you for all the wonderful things you do that I don't deserve. Thank you all for what you have given me, and what you will give. I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Remember, if you aren't miserable from all the food you should be eating, you aren't doing Thanksgiving right!

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Lights, Camera, Action!

I know it's been a while since I last posted but things are finally gonna start slowing down soon. The past few weeks have been absolutely insane. There have been a few football games, (no home games but I like to go and watch) Musical practice, auditions and school in general. They've all found ways to occupy my time.

The football team had a pretty decent season but this week was their last. It was a good game except for the fact it rained the entire time and it was cold. But, we stuck it out and watched the whole game. It ended 6-0 them. unfortunately that meant the end for this year's team but they played well and to the best of their abilities.

Musical Practice has been a little stressful mainly because a few people don't have a lot of their lines memorized. The last few practices have been better and I'm sure we will have a great show next week. I really like this musical, it's A LOT more dancing than I expected but it's not too bad. I love the songs we get to sing. For those that know the musical, I am Benny Southstreet. I hang around Nicely-Nicely Johnson and I am in the song Guys and Dolls so that's really fun. I am looking forward to it being done so I can relax a little bit more but the show will be great!

School is getting insane. I feel like the junior teachers are after us with all their projects and such. I have/had a chemistry project, government project, English essay, Trig is always hard and this all takes place at one time. It's crazy. But those are almost done as well so that will be nice.

I've spent a lot of time on a very special audition. While I've already been accepted to the All-Star Invitational Marching Band I am also auditioning to play with the National Youth Orchestra of the United States of America. For this audition I have to pick a solo under three minutes, (I chose the Haydn Concerto Mvmt. 2) play four orchestral excerpts that they provide, (Petrouchka (Ballerina's Dance), Mahler symphony No. 5, Pini Di Roma offstage solo and Pictures at an Exhibition), answer a question on camera, (I chose best musical experience and talked about the All-Star Band) and to write a short biological essay about what I want to do and how this experience will get me there. If I make it, I will get to perform AT CARNEGIE HALL and take a coast-to-coast U.S. tour with the orchestra and I don't have to pay for anything but the travel to and from New York.

I'm super excited for all of these things but I am always thankful for the support of my friends, family and the community. You all are the reason I am here doing all of these amazing things. I don't say it enough, but Thank You.